
长期担任《Bioresource Technology》、《Science of the Total Environment》、《Chemosphere》、《Journal of Applied and Biotechnology》、《Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry》等国际学术期刊审稿人。
2023.08-至今, 太阳成集团 suncitygroup太阳新城客户端准聘副教授,硕导
2021.12-2023.07, 中国科学院大学重庆分院助理研究员
2021.05-2021.09, 比利时根特老员工物工程学院科研助理
2016.10-2021.05,比利时根特大学/加泰罗尼亚理工老员工物工程/环境工程 博士(双学位)
2013.09-2016.06, 西北农林科技大学 环境科学与工程 硕士
2009.09-2013.06, 西北农林科技大学 环境科学与工程 本科
1.Li, J.,Otero-Gonzalez, L., Lens, P.N.L., Ferrer, I., Du Laing, G., Assessment of selenium and zinc enriched sludge and duckweed as slow-release micronutrient biofertilizers forPhaseolus vulgarisgrowth.Journal of Environmental Management, 2022, 324, 116397.
2.Li, J.,Otero-Gonzalez, L., Michiels, J., Lens, P.N.L., Du Laing, G., Ferrer, I. Production of selenium-enriched microalgae as potential feed supplement in high-rate algae ponds treating domestic wastewater.Bioresource Technology,2021, 333,125239.
3.Li, J.,Otero-Gonzalez, L., Parao, A., Tack, P., Folens, K., Ferrer, I., Lens, P.N.L., Du Laing, G.Valorization of Se-enriched sludge and duckweed generated from wastewater as micronutrient biofertilizers.Chemosphere, 2021,281,130767.
4.Li, J.,Lens, P.N.L., Otero-Gonzalez, L., Du Laing, G. Production of selenium- and zinc-enrichedLemnaandAzollaas potential micronutrient-enriched bioproducts.Water Research, 2020, 172, 115522.
5.Li, J.,Ferrer, I., Lens, P.N.L., Du Laing, G. Evaluation of selenium-enriched microalgae produced on domestic wastewater as biostimulant for growth of selenium-enriched crops.Journal of applied Phycology, 2021, 33, 3027-3039.
6.Li, J.,Loi, G., Otero-Gonzalez, L., Du Laing, G., Ferrer, I., Lens, P.N.L. Selenate and selenite uptake, accumulation and toxicity inLemna minuta. Water Science and Technology, 2020, 81(9), 1852-1862.
7.Li, J.,Peng, Q., Liang, D., Liang, S., Chen, J., Sun, H., Li, S., Lei, P. Effects of aging on the fraction distribution and bioavailability of selenium in three different soils.Chemosphere,2016, 144, 2351-2359.
8.Li, J.,Liang, D., Qin, S., Feng, P., Wu, X. Effects of selenite and selenate application on growth and shoot selenium accumulation of pak choi (Brassica chinensisL.) during successive planting conditions.Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2015, 22(14), 11076-11086.
9.Li, J.,Du Laing, G., Ferrer, I., Lens, P.N.L. Chapter 9: Selenium Biofortification for Human and Animal Nutrition.In book:Environmental Technologies to Treat Selenium pollution: Principles and Engineering, edited by Piet Lens (Ed.),2021, pp 263-281.
10.Li, J.,Otero-Gonzalez, L., Du Laing, G., Lens, P.N.L., Ferrer, I. 2019. Exploration of Se-rich bioproducts generated from (waste)water as fertilizers.Selenium Research for Environment and Human Health: Perspectives, Technologies and Advancements,pp:103-104.http://doi.org/10.1201/9780429423482-49.
11.Yu, B.H., Zeng, Q.C., Li. J.L.,Li, J.,Tan, X., Gao, X., Mao, Z.Q., Huang, P., Wu, S.J., 2023.Sedimentdepth-related variations of comammoxNitrospira:Evidence in the Three GorgesReservoir,China.Science of The Total Environment, 95, 167500.
12.Fan, Y.H., Li. Y.Q., Hayat, F., Liu, C.,Li, J.,Chen. M., 2023. Multi-targeted removal of coexisted antibiotics in water by the synergies of radical and non-radical pathways in PMS activation.Separation and Purification Technology, 305, 122475.
13.Yu, B.H., Zeng, Q.C., Li. J.L.,Li, J.,Tan, X., Gao, X., Huang, P., Wu, S.J., 2023. Vertical variation in prokaryoticcommunity composition and co-occurrence patterns in sediments of the Three Gorges Reservoir, China.Environmental Research, 237, 116927.
14.Malka. M., DuLaing, G.,Li, J.,Bohn, T., 2022. Separate foliar sodium selenate and zinc oxide application enhances Se but not Zn accumulation in pea (Pisum sativum L.) seeds.Frontiers in Plant Science,13.
15.Liu, C., He. X., Fan, Y. H.,Li, J.,He. X.X., Chen, M., 2022. The p-n heterojunction-engineered Bi2MoO6/KNbO3with 2D/3D architecture for enhanced photocatalytic activity towards benzene-containing contaminants under visible light illumination.Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 10(5), 108302.
16.Peng, Q.,Li, J.,Wang, D., Wei, T. J., Chen, C.E.L., Liang, D.L., 2019. Effects of ageing on bioavailability of selenium in soils assessed by diffusive gradients in thin-films and sequential extraction.Plant and Soil, 436(1), 159-171.
17.Peng, Q., Guo, L., Ali, F.,Li, J.,Qin, S., Feng, P., Liang, D., 2016. Influence of Pak choi plant cultivation on Se distribution, speciation and bioavailability in soil.Plant and Soil, 403(1), 331-342.
18.Lei, L., Liang, D., Yu, D., Chen, Y., Song, W.,Li, J.,2015. Human health risk assessment of heavy metals in the irrigated area of Jinghui, Shaanxi, China, in terms of wheat flour consumption.Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 187(10), 647.
“Cum Laude”博士论文
1.Algal biotechnology techniques and opportunities for the sustainable bioeconomy. 2020,Stuggart, Germany.
2. The 15thInternational Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace element. 2019, Nanjing, China.
3. 3rdIWA Resource Recovery Conference. 2019. Venice, Italy.
4. The 6thInternational Conference on Selenium in the Environment and Human Health. 2019, Xi’an, China.
5.The 11th International Symposium on Selenium in Biology and Medicine and The 5thInternational conference on Selenium in the Environment and Human Health. 2017, Stockholm, Sweden.