1. 主要研究方向:
2. 社会兼职、国内外学术团体任职情况:
International Association for Urban Climate会员
3. 教育及进修经历:
4. 主持或主研的科学研究项目:
[1]. The Adelaide and Mount Lofty Ranges NRMB and Mitcham Council, Effects of enhanced stormwater infiltration on urban trees functioning in dry season, 2019,参研。
[2]. The Green Adelaide Board and Mitcham Council, Urban water-tree-microclimate relationships at different settings to support WSUD implementation, 2021-2022,参研。
[3]. 国家自然科学基金重点项目,青海湖流域生态水文过程与水分收支研究,2012.01-2016.12,参研。
5. 代表性学术论文:
[1]. Zhou, Yifei, Huade Guan, Chenyan Huang, Lingli Fan, Saeedeh Gharib, Okke Batelaan, and Craig Simmons. "Sea breeze cooling capacity and its influencing factors in a coastal city." Building and Environment 166 (2019): 106408.
[2]. Zhou, Yifei, Huade Guan, Saeedeh Gharib, Okke Batelaan, and Craig T. Simmons. "Cooling power of sea breezes and its inland penetration in dry-summer Adelaide, Australia." Atmospheric Research 250 (2021): 105409.
[3]. Luo, Zidong, Zijuan Deng, Kamini Singha, Xinping Zhang, Na Liu, Yifei Zhou, Xinguang He, and Huade Guan. "Temporal and spatial variation in water content within living tree stems determined by electrical resistivity tomography." Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 291 (2020): 108058.
[4]. Yang, Jilin, Huiying Chen, Narigele Borjigin, Miaomiao Zhao, Yifei Zhou, and Yongmei Huang. "Validation of the MODIS LAI product in Qinghai Lake Basin combined with field measurements using Landsat 8 OLI data." Acta Ecologica Sinica 37, no. 5 (2017): 322-331
[5]. Gleeson, Xanthia, Tim Johnson, Gobert Lee, Yifei Zhou, and Huade Guan. "Enhanced Passive Stormwater Infiltration Improves Urban Melia Azedarach Functioning in Dry Season." Frontiers in Climate (2022): 45.