ZHAO bin
PhD, Associate Professor
Office: 407 at Environment Hall
Email: binzhao11@cqu.edu.cn
● 2009 – 2010: Visiting Scholar in Civil and Environmental Engineers, Michigan State University, Michigan, USA.
● 2008 – 2009: Visiting Scholar inCivil and Environmental Engineers, Georgia Institute of Technology, Georgia, USA.
● 2006: Visiting Scholar in Institute of Environmental Science and Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Republic of Singapore.
● 2005 – 2010: PhD in Environmental Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China.
Research Description
Dr. Zhao bin is a female professor of Environmental Engineering at Chongqing University. She has successively presided over 7 natural science foundation projects in China, natural science projects in Chongqing and horizontal scientific research projects. Dr. Zhao bin is the author of over 16 peer-reviewed publications,3 patents. She specializes in Water pollution control and Environmental microbiology.
Research Directions: Water pollution control, Environmental microbiology
(1) Xia Wang; Qiang An; Bin Zhao*; Jinsong Guo; Yuansheng Huang; Meng Tian, Auto-aggregation properties of a novel aerobic denitrifier Enterobacter sp. strain FL, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2018, 102(4): 2019~2030
(2) Jixiang Yang; Bin Zhao* ; Qiang An; Yuansheng Huang; Jinsong Guo, Bioaugmentation with A. faecalis strain NR for achieving simultaneous nitrogen and organic carbon removal in a biofilm reactor, Bioresource Technology, 2018, 247:871~880
(3) Yuansheng Huang; Qiang An;Bin Zhao* ; Qinghao Lv; Jinsong Guo, Potential for aerobic NO2-reduction and corresponding key enzyme genes involved in Alcaligenes faecalis strain NR, Archives of Microbiology, 2018, 200(1): 147~158
(4) Bin Zhao; Meng Tian; Qiang An ; Jun Ye; Jinsong Guo, Characteristics of a heterotrophic nitrogen removal bacterium and its potential application on treatment of ammonium-rich wastewater , Bioresource Technology, 2017, 226:46~54
(5) Bin Zhao; Danyang Cheng; Pan Tan; Qiang An ; Jinsong Guo, Characterization of an aerobic denitrifier Pseudomonas stutzeri strain XL-2 to achieve efficient nitrate removal, Bioresource Technology, 2017, 250: 564~573
(6) Jie Chen;Bin Zhao* ; Qiang An; Xia Wang; Yixin Zhang, Kinetic characteristics and modelling of growth and substrate removal by Alcaligenes faecalis strain NR , Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, 2016, 39(4): 593~601
(7) Longjie Guo ; Qiang An; Meng Tian,Bin Zhao*, Characteristics of a novel aerobic denitrifying bacterium, Enterobacter cloacae strain HNR, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 2016, 178(5): 947~959
(8) Jun Ye,Bin Zhao*, Qiang An, Yuan-Sheng Huang. Nitrogen removal by Providencia rettgeri strain YL with heterotrophic nitrification and aerobic denitrification. Env Technology. 2016. DOI: 10.1080/09593330.2016.1146338
(9) Bin Zhao*; Qiang An; Yiliang He; Jinsong Guo, N2O and N2production during heterotrophic nitrification by Alcaligenes faecalis strain NR , Bioresource Technology, 2012, 116: 379~385
(10) Bin Zhao; Yiliang He ; Hughes Joseph; Xiaofan Zhang, Heterotrophic nitrogen removal by a newly isolated Acinetobacter calcoaceticus HNR, Bioresource Technology, 2010, 101(14): 5194~5200
(11) Bin Zhao; Yiliang He ; Jue Huang; Taylor Shauna; Hughes Joseph, Heterotrophic nitrogen removal by Providencia rettgeri strain YL, Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology, 2010, 37(6): 609~616
(12) Bin Zhao; Yiliang He ; X.F. Zhang, Nitrogen removal capability through simultaneous heterotrophic nitrification and aerobic denitrification by Bacillus sp. LY. Env Technology. 2010, 31(4):409-416.
(13) Bin Zhao; Yiliang He, Nitrogen removal through heterotrophic nitrification and aerobic denitrification by heterotrophic nitrifier of Bacillus sp. LY. Environmental Pollution and Public Health (a special track within ICBBE), conference, Beijing, China, 2009.
(14) Yiliang He;Bin Zhao; Jue Huang; et al. Fenton oxidation of 2,4- and 2,6-dinitrotoluene and acetone inhibition. Environmental Science and Engeering. 2008, 2(3): 326-332.
● NSFC Young Scientists Fund Project, 51208534, Alcaligenes faecalisstrain NR heterotrophic denitrification pathway and its enzymatic regulation mechanism, 2013/01-2015/12, Project leader
● National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), 51278509, Study on N2O reduction by single-stage autotrophic denitrification process based on biofilm micro-region regulation, 2013/01-2016/12, Principal Investigator
● Special Funds for Basic Scientific Research Operations of Central Universities, 106112016CDJXY210007, Study on Self-fixation and Community Structure Stability of Denitrifying Functional Bacteria in SBAR, 2016/03-2018/03, Project leader
● National High-Tech Research and Development Program (863 Program) of the Ministry of Science and Technology, 2012AA062607, Early Warning Technology for Monitoring Biological Pollution of Drinking Water, 2013/01-2014/12, Principal Investigator
● National Science and Technology Support Program of the Ministry of Science and Technology, 2012BAJ25B09, Integration and Demonstration of Drinking Water Safety Technology for Villages and Towns in the Southwest Hills, 2012/12-2015/12, Principal Investigator
● Natural Science Foundation Program of Chongqing Municipal Science Commission, CSTC,2011BB7086, Basic Research on the Performance and Application of Heterotrophic Denitrification of Alcaligenes faecalisstrain NR, 2011/09-2014/07, Project leader
● Natural Science Foundation of Chongqing Municipal Science and Technology Commission, CSTC,2011BB7085, Impact of changing hydrodynamic conditions on eutrophication in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area, 2011/09-2014/07, Principal Investigator
(1) Zhao Bin; An Qiang; Chen Yuhang; Ran Xiaochuan; Dan Qiao, Pseudomonas aeruginosa XD-3 and its application and microbial flocculant, 2018.8.7, China, CN201810893033.1
(2) Zhao Bin; An Qiang; Cheng Danyang; Ding Xuesong; Huang Xiaolong, A strain of Acinetobacter baumannii and its application, 2017.6.9, China, CN201710434226.6
(3) Zhao Bin; An Qiang; Tian Meng; Cheng Danyang; Tan Pan; Huang Yansheng, A strain of Pseudomonas syringae and its application, 2017.2.28, China, CN201710111698.8
(4) Zhao Bin; Wang Xia; Tian Dongwei; Tian Meng; An Qiang, A strain of Enterobacteriaceae and its application, 2016.4.1, China, CN201610203762.0
(5) Zhao Bin; An Qiang; Guo Longjie,A strain of Enterobacter cloacae and its application, 2015.09.15,China, CN201510584631.7
(6) Guo Longjie; Zhao Bin; An Qiang; Wang Xia; Zhai Wuchen, A rapid screening method for isolation of heterotrophic nitrifying- aerobic denitrifying bacteria, 2015.1.20, China, CN201510027377.0
(7) An Qiang; Zhao Bin; Ye Jun; Chen Jie; Lv Qinghao, A strain of Prevotella and its application, 2013.6.19, China, CN201310243703.2
(8) Zhao Bin; An Qiang; Lv Qinghao; Chen Jie; Ye Jun, A strain of fecal alkaline-producing bacillus and its application, 2013.6.19, China, CN201310243658.0