
Peng Yan, PhD
Associate Professor
Office: 416 at Environment Hall
● 2009 – 2013: PhD in Environmental Science and Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing, China.
● 2005 – 2009: B.E. in Environmental Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing, China.
Research Description
Dr. Yan is the author of over 70 peer-reviewed publications. His research interests include wastewater biological treatment, adaptive mechanism of microorganisms to environmental stress, mechanism and model of microbial material energy metabolism during wastewater treatment and bacterial quorum sensing.
l Peng Yan, Rongcong Qin, Jinsong Guo*, Qiang Yu, Zhe Li, Youpeng Chen, Yu Shen, Fang Fang, Net-zero energy model for sustainable wastewater treatment, Environmental Science & Technology, 2017, 51, 1017−1023.
l Hong-Xin Shi, Jing Wang, Shao-Yang Liu, Jin-Song Guo, Fang Fang, You-Peng Chen, Peng Yan*, New insight into filamentous sludge bulking: Potential role of AHL-mediated quorum sensing in deteriorating sludge floc stability and structure, Water Research, 2022, 212, 118096.
l Hong-Xin Shi, Xu Wang, Jin-Song Guo, Fang Fang, You-Peng Chen, Peng Yan*, A new filamentous bulking control strategy: The role of N-acyl homoserine lactone (AHL)-mediated quorum sensing in filamentous bacteria proliferation within activated sludge, Chemical Engineering Journal,2022,428, 132097.
● Yu-Tong Xiong, Jing Zhang, You-Peng Chen, Jin-Song Guo, Fang Fang, Peng Yan *, Geographic distribution of net-zero energy wastewater treatment in China, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2021,150, 111462.
● Peng Yan*, Hong-Xin Shi, You-Peng Chen, Xu Gao, Fang Fang, Jin-Song Guo, Optimization of recovery and utilization pathway of chemical energy from wastewater pollutants by a net-zero energy wastewater treatment model, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2020,133, 110160.
● Jin-Song Guo, Fang Fang,Peng Yan*, You-Peng Chen, Sludge reduction based on microbial metabolism for sustainable wastewater treatment. Bioresource Technology, 2019,297 122506.
● Teng-Fei Ma, You-Peng Chen, Fang Fang, Peng Yan*, Yu Shen, Jia Kang, Yu-Dong Ni, Effects of ZnO nanoparticles on aerobic denitrifying bacteria Enterobacter cloacae strain HNR, Science of The Total Environment, 2020, 725, 138284.……
Projects, Patents, and Awards(选填)
● Study on the substrate and energy metabolism mechanism of endogenous sludge reduction in a steady limited filamentous sludge bulking system, National Natural Science Foundation of China, No: 51508546; Project leader.
● Research on technical equipment and governance model for Source-separated sewage treatment in villages and small towns, National Key Research and Development Program of China No: 2019YFD1100200, Sub project leader.