
Jun-Long Huang, PhD
Hongshen Lecturer
Office: Room 422, College of Environment and Ecology, Chongqing Univ.
● 2016.09 – 2021.06: PhD in Geography, Wuhan Univ., Wuhan, China.
● 2018.08 – 2019.08: Visiting PhD student, Univ. of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
● 2013.09 – 2014.08: Visiting student, Tohoku Univ., Sendai, Miyagi, Japan
● 2012.09 – 2016.06: B.E. in Land Resources Management, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, China.
Research Description
I work at the interface between landscape ecology and conservation science, trying to integrate diverse perspectives and methods into ecology, conservation and management. My current research interest falls into advancing habitat connectivity models for spatial ecology and conservation practice, and developing novel quantitative approaches for network governance.
Selected Publications
● Huang J.-L., Andrello M., Martensen A.C., Saura S., Liu D.-F., He J.-H. and Fortin M.-J. (2020). Importance of spatio–temporal connectivity to maintain species experiencing range shifts. Ecography, 43: 591-603.
● Huang J.-L., Tang Z., Liu D.-F. and He J.-H. (2020). Ecological response to urban development in a changing socio-economic and climate context: Policy implications for balancing regional development and habitat conservation. Land Use Policy, 97: 104772.
● Yang H.1, Huang J.-L.1 and Liu D.-F. (2020). Linking climate change and socioeconomic development to urban land use simulation: Analysis of their concurrent effects on carbon storage. Applied Geography, 115: 102135.
● Liang X., Tian H., Li X., Huang J.-L., Clarke K.C., Yao Y., Guan Q. and Hu G. (2021). Modeling the dynamics and walking accessibility of urban open spaces under various policy scenarios. Landscape and Urban Planning, 207: 103993.
● He J.1, Huang J.-L.1,* and Li C. (2017). The evaluation for the impact of land use change on habitat quality: A joint contribution of cellular automata scenario simulation and habitat quality assessment model. Ecological Modelling, 366: 58-67.
The full publication list can be found at my Google Scholar page.